This is too relevant not to post, sympathy be damned
Some serious garbage went down today off the coast of East Africa when Somali Pirates killed 4 American hostages. I'm not going to rehash the story, but if you need it you can grab a look here. Obviously it's a tragedy and we all feel horrible for the victims and their families, but what the hell is going on over there? In the news story linked there is a little throw away line that pirates currently hold 30 ships and 660 hostages. I'm sorry, come again?
There are 660 people in this world that are currently being held at gun point by some skinny little bitch of a teenager wearing a Mello-Yello tee from 1991? And we are doing what about this? Oh sorry, that's right, we sniped two of them a few years back and gave another one a few decades in prison....well bravo, jerk offs. I know that number isn't all Americans, but even one is too many.
I have a solution: Stop negotiating with these rodents, instead send a few Navy SEALs (3 is probably enough, honestly) over there for about 2 months to kill every single bobblehead putts'n around in a 12 foot fishing boat. I'm guessing after somebody has a few friends and siblings getting their noggins blown through they will think twice about even thinking about fucking with an American.
Two boats carrying 15 navy seals were dispersed to the scene when gunshots were heard. Once the seals arrived on-site, the yacht, they had a confirmation with two other pirates which turned deadly for both, one of which in a knife fight in the lower cabin. What I wouldn't give to be a navy seal at that point in time, at that location...