Grover ponders the Indians' horrid starting rotation
Cleveland, which is in Ohio, gets a ton of garbage for sucking at pretty much everything. People talk about how the Browns have never won jack despite many close calls (and being relocated) or how the Indians have only won stuff in movies. More recently the Cleveland Curse reared its ugly head when LeBron got angry that his teammate was banging his mom so he took his balls to D-Wade in a city with one of the highest gay populations (RTB thinks there is a story there, not that there is anything wrong with that), thus resulting in the Cavs losing 99 straight games or so last month.
So, here we are, a economically dead city in a state that produces more stars of "To Catch a Predator" than any other, with a Hall of Fame that is a bit of a joke (Miles Davis did what again for Rock N' Roll?), with sports teams that are damn near worthless and shitty midwestern weather. Fear not natives of Cleveland, for there is a light on the horizon. And this is it...
Its hard to say what I find more impressive between the astonishing graphics or these dudes' complete refusal to even attempt a rhyme. Either way, these boys have captured lightning in a bottle. Here's hoping for a Detroit drop soon.
** RTB thanks to Lom in Vegas for the tip
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