News out of Lovelock, NV is that the Juice got worked over by some skinhead a couple months ago. The source that reported this is the always reputable National Enquirer. The prison is now denying any harm done to the Juice, but I have reason to believe that an ass-whooping did indeed occur. You see, just like an angel gets his wings every time a bell rings, I get a little pep in my step every time a double murderer gets a shank in the ribs. I distinctively remember a time this past November when I started skipping around the city for no apparent reason blowing kisses to strangers. Now I know why.
The skinny, according to the Enquirer, is that Orenthal was chilling out in the yard regaling his boys with stories of laying with white women. A neo-nazi overheard OJ's stories and became infuriated that white women would associate with a black man. Naturally, a vicious beating took place. OJ, with his arthritic hands, couldn't muster much of a fight. His massive melon took the brunt of the damage, and he ended up in sick bay for a few weeks. Hmmm. If I were Orenthal, I'd be more inclined to brag about lopping 2 heads off and getting away with it than sexual conquests of Christie Prody.
I so want this story to be true, because no one deserves to end up in the ICU more than our main man OJ (well, maybe those jurors that let him get away with double murder, but that's a whole 'nother post all together).
Beating or not, at least OJ is back to twittering...
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