Finally, a punter to rival Ray "Stinkle's" kicking prowess has emerged. At the time of this post, New York Giant punter Matt Dodge is still somehow employed--so too is the Giants special teams coach--after one of the dumbest plays in NFL history. That fact is almost as impressive as Mssr. Jackson's walk off house call. Moments after the game, Matt Dodge's twitter account was lambasted with Patton Oswalt wannabes. Only problem is that the real Matt Dodge doesn't have a twitter handle. Imagine the confusion for the fake Matt Dodge when he signed on and noticed scores of fans calling him a 'chode blaster' and suggesting witness protection. This epic choke job in the Meadowlands yesterday got me thinking about one of my favorite collapses (I like to refer to it as a comeback though...)
It's still glorious almost ten years later.
A great Duke team for sure. But a quick question, why does your coach look like a rat? Or is it a ferret? Either way, he's getting eaten by my cat. Check it: