Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How We Fit

We don't, really.

In a world of thousands of blogs and hundreds of really, really good ones honed in on specific topics with fancy photoshopped headers, RTB is here on a basic format dropping thoughts on pretty much everything. Our demeanor will range from somewhat serious to somewhat seriously funny with the overall hope we will get some regular readers and have the ability to keep them.

Our target reader is anyone, at any time, with any interest in any subject not related to Twilight. Are we jacks of all trades, masters of none? Sure. Will we be writing some things that you haven't thought of or couldn't throw down on paper yourself? Probably not. But there in lies the beauty of RTB - dudes being dudes is a solid read.

Also, we will be giving out free punch and pie on Fridays. So...


  1. Welcome back boys

    Where can I get my (FFPP) Free Friday Punch & Pie?
